Urbanology: Life is What You Make It By WIlliam A. Rogers

Categories: William “Tony” Rogers,

The world is facing exceedingly difficult times; many of us are suffering from symptoms of depression and anxiety. We may find it difficult to have faith that things will get better. However, we should not allow the current objective conditions to keep us from having a positive outlook on our life journeys.
There is an old saying, “You are who you think you are.” Like most old sayings, there is a visible and invisible truth. The invisible truth to the above statement is due to social programming. Most people do not know who they are; they often let social programming give them an illusion of who they think they are. When you learn to understand who you really are and the abilities that were given to you at birth, you can become who and what you want to be.
In most cases, a lack of productivity in personal development is a lack of self-understanding. Many will blame their unhappy or difficult life on outside factors (such as other people or things). This truth may be difficult to embrace, but no one or thing can truly make your life happy or unhappy. Life is truly what you make it. The foundation of happiness and sadness is internal.
Happiness and sadness are frequencies of mind energy. Sadness, anger, envy, and hate are low frequencies of mind energy; they can be harmful to your health. Happiness, hope, faith, and love are high frequencies of mind energy; they are very important for good health. Without good health, it is difficult to enjoy the material world. Since high frequencies of mind energy are key factors in preserving good health, positive thoughts are important no matter who you think you are.
Some might say, “If I am unhappy, it is difficult to have positive thoughts.” My response to this statement would be, as stated before: No one or situation can make you angry or unhappy. You are the one making yourself angry or unhappy. It is easy to place the blame for negative emotions on someone or something else. 
 We are programmed to think in a certain way; the next time you find yourself unhappy or angry, try to deprogram yourself and change the frequency of your thoughts from negative to positive. This is a challenging skill, but doing so will give you an idea of the magnitude of your social programming.
 You are what you think you are; you are special. This does not mean that you are better than anyone else, but rather that you can change your lifestyle anytime you wish. Thought manifestation is one of the special gifts that we often misuse. What we think about the most will manifest into our reality. When you understand that you have all that you need to be happy right now, it can change your life. As the saying goes, “When you understand that you don’t need anything, you will be able to have everything.”


