Categories: William “Tony” Rogers,
We are now in the holiday season, and a time for joy, but for many, it is the most depressing time of the year. Some will face this holiday season without a loved one; some may not have the money to do or buy the things they need or want.
A common cause of depression is the inability to recognize our blessings. If you are reading this article and you are depressed, be thankful; the mind of the universe is sending you a message. We become depressed because we focus on depressing things, things that we fear and do not want.
What you think about often will manifest in your reality. When we think about the life we would like to have with faith and without fear and doubt, we can transform the reality of our lives. For this, we should be thankful.
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful. A simple word like “thank you” is an easy way to show gratitude. It can be difficult to show gratitude if you are not aware that you were born with the blessing of thought manifestation and with all that you need to be happy.
Nothing or no one outside of you can truly make you happy. The foundation of happiness is internal; we are all socially programmed to believe that the key to our happiness is external.
Often, our thoughts of depression come from our socially programmed illusionary view of our limitations and lack of the external things that we feel would make us happy.
Do you ever wonder when you read about some famous, wealthy person committing suicide when it seems that they could have had any material thing that they wanted? One reason for this anomaly is when you can have any material thing you wish to, and you are still unhappy, life loses its value.
We can manifest changes in our lives and our external environment when we become aware that, every morning you wake up, you should be thankful and show gratitude for another day and the ability to change your life.
All things happen for a reason. When we face disappointment, setbacks, and tragedy, we often become depressed and wonder why something like this would happen to us.
Another way to address disappointments, setbacks, and tragedy is to look for ways to use them to allow you to rise to higher consciousness and learn to use the experience to make you a better person who can become an example that will inspire others. If you can do this, you can realize that there can be a benefit in all things.
Never allow yourself to feel that there is nothing you can do to improve your current situation; you can use your mind to change your internal and external reality.
The only person who stands in your way is you. When you move your programmed self out of your way, the seemingly impossible can become possible. You should be thankful for this ability and find ways to show gratitude.
I would like to wish all who are reading this article a healthy, blessed, and productive holiday season. The best way to experience the healing power of gratitude is to be thankful for the ability to manifest our thoughts into reality, a gift we must truly believe that we have.