PONDER THIS! Let there be Respect for the Process

Categories: Articles, Hazel Rosetta Smith,

By Hazel Rosetta Smith
Understanding there is a process in all that we do will take concentration and clarity. Getting a grip on how to manage and move forward is the groundwork of the process.
The process drives the motivation to take the program or project to its greatest height. Whatever it is that has attracted your attention and enticed your participation, be sure that you understand the process that is required for its success. 
Fact-checking and fairness are necessary throughout the process. Trust and confidence from all participants are mandatory. Positive thinking is essential. Negativity is a source of descention that is divisive and detrimental to the progression and worthwhile completion of any task.
There are questions to ask about the process that should be welcomed. Unfortunately, often there is the danger of an ulterior agenda or motive in the minds of those on the best of committees and from those outsiders questioning and protesting. Such incidences must be recognized swiftly and disregarded quickly.
Additionally, some folks will get involved in groups and activities without investigating the process that will be undertaken and then are disturbed when they find out the same concerns they have, and the same questions they continue to ask were asked and answered numerous times throughout the process. 
This leads to frustration on both sides and is often assimilated as insubordinate disrespectful behavior. Transparency and clarity are not always bedfellows. There are privacy stipulations necessary during a process.
Nothing can be achieved unless the process is allowed its time to play out with patience, a good attitude, and respect for and from everyone who is connected to the ultimate decision. It is a fact that few things are achieved, exactly how and when we want them. The process will take time and is better managed with positive thinking, trust, and respect. Of course, love and prayer are always helpful.
Whatever it is you are waiting on, I say stay steady, wait on it, for it shall surely come. It does not matter what the situation or the unraveling chain of circumstances, it will happen at the right time, in the right place for the right reason. 
In the meantime, do what you can to provoke peace. Stand firmly on stimulating helpful suggestions for problem-solving initiatives. Do not hanker for or spread unfounded rumors. Do not base your information on hearsay. Just as there are two sides to a coin, there are two sides to every story. Be courteous to leadership in their directorial positions.
Through it all, Beloved, be true to and unashamed of your decision and be not deterred by others. Believe in your heart that a long-awaited finalized process shall be for the good of all. Wait I say, wait on the Lord and then we shall all rejoice!
[Hazel Rosetta Smith is a journalist, playwright, and artistic director for Help Somebody Theatrical Ministries and HRS Speaks! Retired, former Managing Editor and Woman’s Editor of The New York Beacon. Contact: misshazel@twc.com and online www.hazelrosettasmith.com]


