Categories: Articles, William “Tony” Rogers,
June is a Special Month for Celebration
By William A. Rogers
June has always been a special month for me; it marked the start of summer {Thursday, June 20th this year} and the end of school for summer vacation. Father’s Day is celebrated in June, there are many June brides and various school graduations. I was born on June 19th, which is why June is my special month.
Growing up, I do not remember learning about Freedom Day or Juneteenth celebrations in school. Black history was not a major subject in New York public schools in the early to mid-50s. I would not be surprised if someone reading this article still did not know the details of why June 19th is a special date for celebration in African American history. So here is a brief overview.
On June 19th of 1865, Union Army General Gordon Granger read orders in Galveston, Texas, stating that all previously enslaved people in Texas were free. The Emancipation Proclamation was formally issued on January 1, 1863, freeing all enslaved Africans in the Confederate States of America.
Texas was the most “remote” of the slave states. Because of this, it took enforcement of the proclamation two years before General Granger, along with Union troops {many who were African American, also known as Buffalo Soldiers} arrived in Galveston on June 18, 1865, to enforce it.
June 19th became the true date for the end of slavery. Also known as “Juneteenth,” “Freedom Day,” “Jubilee Day,” or “Cel-Libration” Day, it became the focus of celebrations for church-center communities in Texas and then across the nation. “Juneteenth” or “Juneteenth Independence Day’’ became a national holiday in June 2021.
As a son and then a father, June was always a time for celebrations. The Annual Father’s Day Skyscraper Cycling Classic has been a Harlem Father’s Day celebration for the past 51 years. This year, the annual June event will take place on Father’s Day, June 16th, at Marcus Garvey Park in Harlem. For further information about this international annual Harlem event, visit
As we take part in the many June celebrations, remember that June is the first month of summer. Taoists consider summer the season of fire. The heart is the Yin organ of summer, and the small intestines are the Yang organ. These vital organs are associated with summer.
Negative emotions can be harmful to the heart and small intestines during this time of year. Heart attacks are more common during the summer. During the June months of celebrations, try not to get overexcited and stay as positive as you can. Summer is also the season of love and joy.
Don’t forget to vote on June 25th, and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads who read this article.