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By Hazel Rosetta Smith
On Friday, April 5, 2024, Odell Clark Place (138th Street in Harlem) where the Abyssinian Baptist Church stands tall, there were no parked cars and a police vehicle blocked entry to the street.
An auspicious celebra-tion of the life of Dr. Marcella Maxwell, who departed from labor to rest on Thursday, March 21, 2024, took place at Abyssinian, her home church.
The Celebration of the Golden Life Service at noon was preceded at 9:30 am by the White Rose Ceremony of the Greater New York Chapter Links, Inc, of which Dr. Maxwell was a longtime member and co-chair of the Health & Wellness Program. Links in white robes recited the ceremonial narrative as members stood and repeated portions in unison. Member Rhonda Joy McLean, Co-chair of Health & Human Services sang acapella renditions of “Ave Maria” and “The Lord’s Prayer.”
At 10:45 am, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., of which Dr. Maxwell was a member since 1972 of the North Manhattan Alumnae Chapter, entered in black robes to perform the Omega Omega service, a final rite of passage and farewell service for all Delta Sigma Theta Sorors. The ritual was witnessed by a contingency of Sorors who filled a large section of the sanctuary. Soror Carla Harris sang “His Eye is on the Sparrow” and “Because He Lived.”
Soror Caroline Mc-Bain, spoke of the thirteen years she worked with Dr. Maxwell and the Abyssinian Golden Life Ministry to gather community attendees for the educational workshops and seminars for seniors, with a guarantee of a busload of residents of Esplanade Gardens.
By 11:30, the family and friends were gathering for The Order of Service. Dina Foster Osbourne, Organist rendered the Prelude and the Processional of Ministers, Officers and Family entered to “Jesus Keep Me Near the Cross,” played by Abyssinian musician Mike Bissell. The Reverend Dr. Rashad R. Moore, Pastor of First Baptist Church of Crown Heights, Brooklyn gave the Invocation, followed by the Congregational Hymn, “Lift Every Voice and Sing.”
Reverend Dr. Roslyn Brock, Chairperson Emeritus, and National NAACP Board Director provided a heartfelt Prayer of Comfort. The Reverend Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd, 22nd National President, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., sang “Ave Maria.”
Acknowledgment of Resolutions from the Abyssinian Church ministries of which Dr. Maxwell was affiliated, was followed by a profound rendition of “If I Can Help Somebody” by Marsha Thompson.
Tributes followed from: Gwainevere C. Hess, President of The Black Woman’s Agenda, Debra Fraser Howze, Founder & President of Choose Healthy Life, Delta Soror Rev. Dr. Gwendolyn Boyd, Leon W. Russell, Chair, NAACP Board of Directors, Ethel Isaacs Williams, National President, The Links Incorporated.
The Obituary was read silently to a serene rendering of “Just a Closer Walk with Thee” by organist Mike Bissell. Political Salutations came with spunk and good humor from the Honorable Charles B. Rangel, and the esteemed Honorable Eric Adams, Mayor of the City of New York said, “I am who I am because she was who she was,” as he shared what Marcella Maxwell did and meant to him.
Tributes followed: Patricia Russell-McCloud, Past 11th President of Links, Inc., Linda Hoffman, President & CEO of New York Foundation for Senior Citizens, Dara Richardson-Heron, MD, Dr. Ann Guillory, Felician University of New Jersey.
Anticipation heightened as the Honorable Hazel Dukes, past president of the NAACP and current President of the New York Chapter made her way to the microphone. Dr. Dukes spoke of the sixty-seven years of friendship, workmanship, and NAACP partnership with Maxi, her buddy. She was a witness to the life and service of Marcella Maxwell, firsthand to the end.
With deep emotion Dr. Dukes said the entire service was orchestrated by Marcella. She had followed her instructions and requests and had done the best she could. She hoped that Marcella’s grandson was pleased.
Most speakers expressed their relationships with and experiences of mentorship by Dr. Maxwell, using terms of description such as she was a trooper with relentless determination, she knew everybody, she was with me in everything, an advocate, a networker and people connector, a great lady who gave her all.
Marcella Maxwell was never a bystander; she always took the helm to stand for what was right and they came to show their respect: Assemblywoman Inez Dinkins; Keith Wright, Chair of the NY County Democratic Committee; Assemblyman Al Taylor; Michael Garner of 100 Black Men; Manhattan Borough President Mike Levine; and New York State Attorney General Latisha James and others.
When grandson Vaughn Young, with his wife, Charisse and daughters Story and Journey spoke, his words captured what he saw in fifty years of knowing his grandmother. “She showed me what a strong, positive, intelligent, Black woman should be.” Great granddaughter Story sang “When I Look at You.”
In the Eulogy given by Reverend S. Raschaad Hoggard, Ph.D., Executive Minister of the Abyssinian Church, he cited Psalm 46:5. “God is within her, she will not fall”. He likened Marcella Maxwell to a modern-day Mary McCloud Bethune and a renaissance woman. She stood as a nation within a nation. God was in her!
When the celebration in the sanctuary concluded, the repass kept the spirit of Dr. Marcella Maxwell flowing like a grand reunion. I thought of the words spoken earlier by Patricia Russell McCloud, “Marcella, you didn’t tell us you were leaving.” Rest in peace, faithful servant.
Photos by Hubert Williams