About us

The Harlem Community Newspapers, Inc. publishes four newspapers; Harlem Community News, Queens Community News, Brooklyn Community News and Bronx Community News.

These publications are “free” to our readers. We currently distribute 25,000 weekly copies in malls, supermarkets, retail outlets, apartment buildings, banks, colleges, YMCA, libraries and cultural institutions in the communities we serve.

Our editorial features positive news and information. We provide a positive environment in which businesses and corporations can advertise and promote their products and services.

Our rates are reasonable for advertisers who may want to reach consumers in a specific area or they can advertise in all four of our publications utilizing our metro rates. All of our issues are presented with 4-color throughout.

Our publications are also featured on our website weekly at www.harlemcommunitynews.com. Contact us about placing ads on our website.

Publisher, Pat Stevenson has been publishing community newspapers for more than 22 years. Prior to publishing Pat Stevenson had a successful career for more than a decade in advertising with executive positions in several advertising agencies working on fortune 500 accounts including Anheuser Busch, General Foods, General Motors, Avon, Heublein, etc.

We will publish our community newspapers weekly on Thursdays.

Call us today at 646-988-1015 or

email harlemnewsinc@aol.com

Website www.harlemcommunitynews.com

