PONDER THIS! The Makeup of Being Honest By Hazel Rosetta Smith

Categories: Articles, Columnists, Hazel Rosetta Smith,

To be honest is to be truthful, ethical, fair, not lying or cheating. Honest means we can be taken at our word. Somehow, honesty is no easy feat today. It is spun around and usually ends up on the negative. You can be crucified for speaking the truth as you see it.

There is an honesty of convenience, in which a certain amount of lying and deception is acceptable. A lack of honesty has become acceptable. Little by little, we see how the lack of honesty from the courtroom to the boardroom has changed our lives to barely believing anything that we are told. 

It is difficult to keep up with the truth when a story is told differently from news reports, from channel to channel on networks. In a matter of one hour, what we heard and took to the streets to celebrate collectively can reverse itself into an entirely different scenario. We live in a state of mind where we wonder when the next shoe will drop, and the real story will be revealed.

The first step is to be honest with ourselves, so that we can strive to be honest with others. Honesty is not the appetizer or even the entrée on the menu, it is the dessert, when served with peaceful deliverance.

Have we not all heard someone speak words that sound ridiculous? We wonder if that person honestly believes what they say. Is it a case of foolish rhetoric or unconscious banter? Honesty can hurt and be shocking at first, but honesty is the best policy. It is the first step toward resolving situations and opening opportunities for true reconciliation.

However, being honest does not mean voicing your unsolicited beliefs at every given moment. Everyone deserves the right to speak their truth rationally and hopefully with good common sense, at the appropriate intersection.

We must consider the reaction to our honesty and not use it as a weapon to take down someone else’s truth. Honesty is a two-way street, drive carefully. Being honest is your right, however, it works best with deep contemplation and sincere conversation, clear and precise.

Being honest does have its drawbacks. It takes a measure of confidence and kindness to express how we really feel about someone face to face. If being honest means destructive criticism or is used to intentionally add harm to a situation, then it may be wiser to remember, if you do not have anything good to say, do not say anything. 

The reaction to what you consider to be honest from your point of view and to prove your point can be misunderstood in a society where nerves are constantly on edge. Stay mindful with respect for others, as you respect yourself. 

